var rated = false; var newRating = -1; function ele(eleName) { if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById(eleName)) { return document.getElementById(eleName); } else if (document.all && document.all(eleName)) { return document.all(eleName); } else if (document.layers && document.layers[eleName]) { return document.layers[eleName]; } else { return false; } } function setStars(url, docId, val, location) { ele("rating_info_" + location).style.display = "inline"; if (location == 'top') { ele('communityRating').style.display = "none"; } ele("rating_info_" + location).innerHTML = MSG_ANNOTATION_SAVING; rated = true; submitRating(url, docId, val, location); } function overStars(rating, location, realRating, cell) { rated = false;'pointer'; ele("rating_info_" + location).style.display = "inline"; if (location == 'top') { ele('communityRating').style.display = "none"; } ele('1_' + location).src = ''; ele('2_' + location).src = ''; ele('3_' + location).src = ''; ele('4_' + location).src = ''; ele('5_' + location).src = ''; if (rating >= 1) { ele('1_' + location).src = ''; if (location == 'top') { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_POOR; } else { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_POOR_SHORT; } } if (rating >= 2) { ele('2_' + location).src = ''; if (location == 'top') { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_BELOW_AVERAGE; } else { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_BELOW_AVERAGE_SHORT; } } if (rating >= 3) { ele('3_' + location).src = ''; if (location == 'top') { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_AVERAGE; } else { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_AVERAGE_SHORT; } } if (rating >= 4) { ele('4_' + location).src = ''; if (location == 'top') { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_ABOVE_AVERAGE; } else { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_ABOVE_AVERAGE_SHORT; } } if (rating >= 5) { ele('5_' + location).src = ''; if (location == 'top') { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_EXCELLENT; } else { ele('rating_info_' + location).innerHTML = MSG_RATING_EXCELLENT_SHORT; } } } function outStars(rating, location, realRating, cell) {'default'; if (!rated) { ele('communityRating').style.display = "inline"; if (newRating == -1) { setStarsToValueInLocation(realRating, location); } else { setStarsToValueInLocation(newRating, location); } } } function submitRating(url, docId, rating, location) { var doc = getXmlDocument(); var root = appendElement(doc, doc, "rating"); appendElement(doc, root, "docid", docId); appendElement(doc, root, "user_rating", rating); sendAjaxRequest(url, handleRatingResponse, doc, location, 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'); } function handleRatingResponse(req, success, url, odata, loc) { ele("rating_info_" + loc).style.display = "none"; ele('communityRating').style.display = "inline"; ele("rating_info_" + loc).innerHTML = ""; var errObj; errObj = ele('rating_error_' + loc); if (!success || !req.responseXML) { errObj.innerHTML = MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR; = 'inline'; } else { var root = req.responseXML.documentElement; if (root.tagName == 'error') { var msg = getElementValue(root, 'errormessage'); errObj.innerHTML = msg; = 'inline'; setStarsToValueInLocation(userRating, loc); } else { var userRating = getElementValue(root, 'user_rating'); setStarsToValueInLocation(userRating, 'top'); ele("rating_info_" + loc).style.display = "inline"; if (loc == 'top') { ele('communityRating').style.display = "none"; } ele("rating_info_" + loc).innerHTML = MSG_ANNOTATION_SAVED; newRating = userRating; setTimeout("concealRatingInfo()",5000); } } } function concealRatingInfo() { ele("rating_info_top").style.display = "none"; ele('communityRating').style.display = "inline"; ele("rating_info_top" ).innerHTML = ""; } function setStarsToValueInLocation(rating, location) { ele('rating_info_'+ location).innerHTML = ''; ele('rating_info_' + location).style.display = "none"; ele('1_' + location).src = ''; ele('2_' + location).src = ''; ele('3_' + location).src = ''; ele('4_' + location).src = ''; ele('5_' + location).src = ''; if (rating >= 1) { ele('1_' + location).src = ''; } if (rating >= 2) { ele('2_' + location).src = ''; } if (rating >= 3) { ele('3_' + location).src = ''; } if (rating >= 4) { ele('4_' + location).src = ''; } if (rating >= 5) { ele('5_' + location).src = ''; } } function createStarsHtml(stars, allowRating) { if (allowRating && stars > 0) { var imageString = ''; for (var i = 0; i < stars; i++) { imageString = imageString + ''; } for (var j = stars; j < 5; j++) { imageString = imageString + ''; } return imageString; } return " "; } // method for creating XML Document // ActiveX is for IE, all others should follow DOM rules // For IE, find the best ActiveX object available function getXmlDocument() { var ret; if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) { ret = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var err; try { ret = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); } catch (e) { err = e.message; try { ret = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); } catch(e) { err = e.message; try { ret = new ActiveXObject("MSXML.DOMDocument"); } catch(e) { err = e.message; } } } var pi = ret.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'"); ret.appendChild(pi); } else { throw "Browser is unable to create XML document: not supported by" + "this browser"; } return ret; } // XML Element creation // set parent=doc to append to doc // set null value if sub elements function appendElement(doc, parent, tag, value) { var elem = doc.createElement(tag); if (value) { elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)); } parent.appendChild(elem); return elem; } // Reading XML Element value function getElementValue(parentElement, tag) { var list = parentElement.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (!list || list.length == 0) { return null; } list = list[0].childNodes; if (!list || list.length == 0) { return null; } // supporting single child node only return list[0].nodeValue; } // AJAX stuff function getAjaxRequestType() { var xmlhttp; var activeXType; /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5) try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(activeXType = "Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(activeXType = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { xmlhttp = false; } } @else xmlhttp = false; @end @*/ if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { xmlhttp = false; } } return activeXType; } var ieActiveXType = getAjaxRequestType(); function createAjaxRequest() { var xmlhttp; if (ieActiveXType) { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(ieActiveXType); } else { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } return xmlhttp; } function sendAjaxRequest(url, callback, opt_data, opt_opaqueId, opt_mime) { // use a new private instance for every request var req = createAjaxRequest(); var method = 'GET'; if (opt_data) { method = 'POST'; if (!opt_mime) { opt_mime = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } }, url, true); if (opt_data && opt_mime) { req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', opt_mime); // must be called after open } // stick the instance data into the scope of the function literal req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { callback(req, req.status && req.status == 200, url, opt_data, opt_opaqueId); } }; req.send(opt_data); }